Emgo Front Brake CaliperPads for Yamaha 02-08 YFM660 Grizzly Severe Duty

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EMGO Brake Pads
Replaces part number FA84

Exact fitment unless noted with * which will fit but does not have locating tabs (the locating tabs are not required for proper fitment).

2011 YFM125 RA Raptor 125 Frt & Rear*
11-13 YFM125 RB/RB/RD Raptor 125 Rear
03-up YFS200 R/S/T/V Blaster 200 Frt* & Rear
08-up YFM250 Raptor 250 Rear
01-04 YFM250 Bear Tracker 250 XN/XHN/XP/XHP/XR/XHR/XS Front
05-06 YFM250 BT/BV Bruin 250 Frt
07-09 YFM250 BW/BX/BY Big Bear 250 Frt
04-05 YFM350 AS/AT/FAS/FAT Bruin 350 2x4 4x4 Frt
1999 YFM350 FWBL/LC/UL/ULC Big Bear 350 Frt
95-05 YFM350 FX Wolverine 350 Frt & Rear*
07-13 YFM350 FGI/FG Grizzly 350 Auto IRS 4x4 Frt
07-11 YFM350 GW/GX/GY/GZ/GA Grizzly 350 2x4 Frt
04-13 YFM350 RS/RT/RV/RW/RX/RY/RZ/RA/RB/RD Raptor 350 Frt & Rear*
87-06 YFZ350 T/U/W/A/B/D/E/F/G/H/J/K/L/M/N/P/R/S/T/V Banshee 350 Rear*
90-06 YFZ350 A/B/D/E/F/G/H/J/K/L/M/N/P/R/S/T/V Banshee 350 Frt
87-04 YFM350 XT/XU Warrior 350 Rear*
89-04 YFM350 XW/XA/XB/XD/XE/XF/XG/XH/XJ/XK/XL/XM/XN/XP/XR/XS Warrior 350 Frt & Rear*
06-09 YFM350 XV/XW/XX/XY Wolverine 350 2x4 Front
99-up YFM400 Big Bear/Grizzly/Kodiak Frt*
03-up YFM450 Kodiak/Wolverine/Grizzly Frt
05-06 YFM450 FAT/FAHT/FAV Kodiak 450 4x4 Frt
07-08 YFM450 FGW/FGX Grizzly 450 4x4 Frt
06-10 YFM450 FX Wolverine 450 Auto 4x4 Front
2007 YFM450 FXSEW Wolverine 450 Sport Special Edition Frt
2007 YFM450 FGW Grizzly 450 Auto 4x4 IRS Frt
08-13 YFM450 FG Grizzly 450 Auto 4x4 Frt
11-13 YFM450 FGPA/B/D Grizzly 450 Auto/4x4/EPS Frt
12-13 YFZ450 BB/DB Front*
04-05 YFZ 450 S/T Rear*
2004 YFZ 450 LES Limited Edition Rear*
2005 YFZ 450 SET Special Edition Rear*
98-01 YFM600 Grizzly 600 Frt
02-08 YFM660 Grizzly 660 Frt
01-05 YFM660 RN/RP/RPB/RR/RS/RT Raptor 660 Frt & Rear*
06-08 YFM660 Ducks Unlimited Edition Side x Side Frt*
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